יום שלישי, 4 באוגוסט 2009

Characteristics of great websites

Recently more clients have been rethinking their web strategy. Organizations from the financial services, telecom, services, and public sectors are trying to "re-energize" their websites for various reasons, some are just trying to improve the company's image, some are trying to "get involved" in the many conversations taking place now, some are trying to increase self service processes via their website in order to reduce operational costs.
What are the current characteristics of great websites?
  • Up-to-date, informative, useful dynamic content, user generated content is a big plus
  • Usability and ease of use (“clean” interface, consistent navigation, effective search)
  • Collaborative and social tools, web communities (versus mass audience)
  • Interactive, creates user engagement
  • Self Service capabilities
  • Provide an interesting experience, entertaining
  • Educating
  • High ranking in search engines (SEO)
  • Syndication options (RSS, newsletter)

We see the following trends recently in organizations web strategies:

  • Self Service is a # 1 goal
  • From mass to individual communities
  • Mass adoption of collaborative Web 2.0 tools (in Israel it is still quite limited, which means this is the right time for companies to jump in)
  • The web is adding an “experience” element to a company’s product/service
  • Accessibility of websites is improving
  • Need to better analyze web activities and processes

Why is everything becoming so "social"?

That's because the "audience" (clients, citizens, employees, surfers...) is becoming more and more social. The "digital natives" / Generation Y/ Millenials are now such as a substantial part of the population to be ignored. This part of the population is a very HEAVY user of social networks (spends approx. 16 hours a week online, >95% of them are a part of a social network), they communicate, plan, work and learn in a different way, and social tools are very natural for them.

The fact is social network sites are now more popular than other sites and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

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